How mental health affects overall wellbeing
On January 30, 2025Health is not about how well your immune system is, it’s also about how well you can confront adversities and bounce back from illness and other challenges of life. Maintaining good health is not confined to just eating healthy and exercising regularly, it also includes healthy coping skills and healthy relationships.

Mental health affects our work-life:
Any mental health discomfort will decline productivity, disrupt our focus and create misunderstanding and conflict among the colleagues.Poor mental health makes it difficult to keep motivated, reduce cognitive functioning and bad decision making.Most importantly your job performance suffers and leads us to job insecurity.
How mental health affects our academic:
Positive mental health and academic success comes hand in hand.Strong mental health improves resilience that positively impacts on academic performance.On the other hand, if your mental health remains unchecked, you may face trouble sleeping, concentrating on one thing,ruminating about future events, exam stress and frequent panic attacks.The National Academy of Mental Health surveyed 765 college students across the U.S. to examine the links between mental health and academic achievement. They found that 64% of students who dropped out, dropped out because of a mental health problem (NAMI, 2014). Academics is all about mind games. The well you train your mind ,the better you will perform.
How mental health affects family relationship:
When a family member has a mental illness, it affects the overall well being of the whole family. If you observe one of your family members being late at work continuously, missing school, lying on the bed all day long, it is time to seek help .There is no need to go alone. There are people and places to turn to. According to PRIORY , 80% of the mental health patients agreed that their mental health conditions have had detrimental effects on their family.
How mental health affects our romantic relationship:
A reliable and safe romantic partner is a source of support and comfort.Sometimes we often stigmatize our own mental illness to our partner for a fear of pushing them away.Mental health condition often affects on intimacy,and certain medicine lowers one’s libido.It may cause social withdrawal,lack of communication,lethargy and lack of empathy.So, keeping each other informed about their mental health condition is the act of care and support.